Hadronic, Nuclear and Quantum Field Theory Physics

The group conducts research in a wide variety of areas, such as:

  1. Quantum Theory of Fields at Finite Temperature: Applications in Cosmology and Condensed Matter;
  2. Nonequilibrium Quantum Field Theory;
  3. Applications of the Field Theory to Condensed Matter Physics;
  4. Confinement Aspects in Yang-Mills Theories;
  5. Topological and non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories;
  6. Classical stability of vortex or monopole solutions in field theory;
  7. Dynamic mass generation in Yang-Mills Theories;
  8. Methods of Quantum Field Theory applied to Hadronic and Nuclear Physics;
  9. Particle Physics Model building for inflationary cosmology;
  10. Effective potential in spatially confined field theories;
  11. Quantization of Systems with Numerical Links and Simulations;
  12. Numerical Monte Carlo and Langevin simulations of scalar theories;
  13. Effective models for Hadronic and Nuclear Physics.


  • Cesar Augusto Linhares da Fonseca Junior

Research work in two main lines: Condensed Matter and Out of equilibrium statistical mechanics. Related with condensed matter, the focus is strongly correlated electronic systems, acting mainly on the following topics: Quantum Hall Effect, Superconductivity, Bose-Einstein Condensation, Quantum Fluids, Classical and quantum phase transitions and topological states of matter. Related with statistical mechanics, the focus is on stochastic systems, acting mainly on the following topics: noise-induced phase transitions, stochastic resonance, applications to climatic problems. The field theory techniques used are mainly: gauge theories, bosonization, renormalization group and computational simulations.

Research work with models for the description of non-perturbative phenomena in quantum field theory. Main topics of interest are: duality, confinement, quantization of non-abelian gauge theories, Gribov problem, Higgs mechanism, topological defects, Julia-Toulouse defect condensation mechanism, theories involving spatio-temporal non-commutativity, Lorentz invariance violation, field theories with topological terms (Maxwell-Chern-Simons) and ADS / CFT correspondence.

  • Marcio André Lopes Capri

Research work with emphasis on quantum field theory under external conditions (temperature, chemical potential and external fields). with applications in phase transitions in general (in effective models for quantum cromodynamics, hadron physics and phase transitions in particle physics models), the study of the nonequilibrium dynamics in field theory and the study of bosonic and fermionic systems at reduced dimensions, with applications to condensed matter physics.