Admission Exam

Admission to the Graduate Program in Physics of UERJ (PPGF) for the Master and Doctorate degrees:

Twice a year the PPGF graduate program holds selection processes for admission in the Masters and Doctorate courses.

The process of registration to the selection exam has two steps that all candidates must follow:

1- The candidate must take the Unified Exam in Physics (EUF) , which is a written exam. This exam may be applied in English or Portuguese, and the candidate may request it to be applied in his/her home institution. This request will be evaluated by the organizing committee of EUF. See the page of EUF for detailed instructions.

2- After the candidate has taken the EUF written exam, he/she must access the Unified Examination of Graduate Studies in Physics of Rio de Janeiro (UNIPOSRIO) and register for the interview. The interview can either be done in person or through skype (or other mean of communication). Please follow the instructions in UNIPOSRIO.

Accepted candidates may receive a CAPES, CNPq or FAPERJ scholarship administered by the program, depending on the availability.

Registration  for admission in the PPGF:

Enrollment for the admission process requires two stages. The first step is the UNIPOSRIO registration, which can be done HERE.

The second step, restricted to candidates who have reached the cut mark in the written exam, is the registration for the face-to-face assessment of the IF-UERJ Graduate Program in Physics. The cut-off note will be released by the UERJ Assessment Committee after the written examination.

PhD candidates who have passed an entrance examination for PPGF-UERJ in the two years prior to the present examination may request that their previous marks in these examinations be used in the selection process, as long as they are completing the Master in Physics in UERJ throughout the current academic year and within the regulatory deadline of 24 months.